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WhiteSpell is a game that aims to provide a fun experience and a compelling story. To deliver a story based adventure with more focus on platforming and puzzle solving than just combat, at the same while, maintaining the trademark of a Metroidvania. We also attempt to provide the player restricted freedom by allowing them the freedom to explore large areas without deviating too much from what makes the ‘Metroidvania’ genre. The player plays Ava a scientist’s assistant trying to find out about what happened to WhiteSpell and how she rebuilds the city and also about if she’s able to bring all the life back in WhiteSpell. 

I worked on the Game design (backstory, initial idea and game mechanics). I was also the Lead level designer for this project, I created the main map layout of the game and determined how each area of the game should feel like and distributed the work among my peers and myself. Moreover, I overlooked the work of my peers to make sure the theme and tone of the game was maintained in all the levels. 

Genre - 2.5D Metroidvania project
Platform - PC
Development Time - 3 Months 
Year of Completion - 2017
Tools Used - Unity, Microsoft Word/Presentation, Adobe Photoshop and Perforce 
Role - Lead Level Designer/ Game Designer/ UI Design/ Audio
Team Size - 7 (5 Game Designers and 2 Artist)



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